Tuesday 3 February 2015

Magazine Construction 3

The final magazine construction changed the following points -

  • "Featuring" was added underneath the title in the same type face and style in order to both adhere to the genre and make the writing on the cover more evident that it is part of the magazines features.
  • A date and price were added - originally these were theorised to go at the top in yellow, but I found the contrast in colours displeasing and the placing of them to derive from the most striking area of the cover. As such, they were added to the bottom. 
  • Puffs were added, drawing upon the Little White Lies tradition of having them framing the face of the main image, both in order to not detract from the central art and to draw attention to not only the main feature. Due to my target audience being those who enjoy cult cinema, reference to films such as "Drive" (Enticing Nicholas Winding-Refn fans) and Nightcrawler (Attracting a more modern audience) would increase audience interest in the magazine. Originally, the puffs were to be the same font and colour as the date and time, winding around the head in a sort of Halo arc, however, this was not continued due to the aesthetically pleasing nature of the final choice.
  • A title was added, utilising the dichotomy of the word "Two" in presenting two colours with the varying backdrops of white and black, connoting good and evil. The title has a marble overlay which is shown below, and an inversion of colour was used to transform it from light to dark blue.
The final poster, including all mentioned above.
The originally attempted puffs
The original placing of the date and time, not used.

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