Monday 15 September 2014

Trailer Concerns/Ideas

In the group as a whole there have been some concerns regarding act three of the trailer, the montage. The introduction of the characters, especially in terms of the low budget we have, can relatively easily be made and made well. The same can be said about the second act, with a slight bit more difficulty. This is because we must show the disruption which causes conflict, which can be quite difficult to show and show realistically. The final act will be the most difficult however, including up to 25 shots and having to make each relate to the narrative in some way while still keeping them exciting and keeping the audience captivated. On our previously mentioned low budget (nothing) replicating scenes such as that in Hummingbird with high quality martial arts scenes, or Welcome to The Punch with ambiguous men immaculately dressed walking through shining clean buildings with bags of money and guns, will be a lot of work in itself. It may be something we will have to address when we come to it, however an idea I had was to include art house-esque shots such as dark, shadowed panning shots and over the shoulder shots with an effective blur to compensate for a possible lack of action. It would also allow me and my partners to show our skill with the camera, and the variety of shots we are able to execute well.

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