Saturday 8 February 2014

Editing - Motion/Titles

We used motion in order to create the actor and director titles - this is because more can be done with text in Motion than Final Cut including fades and angling text. In order to create them we put the rough cut together then found establishing shots which weren't related to the story to place the titles over. Using our previous knowledge of openings that we found from our research, the main titles we included were the actors, directors, casting directors, and musician's used. These can all be seen below, having been individually rendered and uploaded to re-integrate in to the film.

The first we did were the casting directors as it was in the tower which is where the main focus of our first week of editing has been due to particular problems with sound a lighting.

The next is that of Kevin's boss, in the phone scene. Having not much of the characters face shown in a relatively long shot was a perfect opportunity for a title, so we chose the actor shown.

Obviously, the main actors needed a more obvious introducing so we set these titles during pan or still shots with only one main thing in shot. This would draw attention to the name and actor, and emphasise their importance in the opening.

Similar emphasis on identity can be seen in the title shot of David Bucknor

Final title sequence we finished was that of the music artist in the opening.

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