Friday, 13 March 2015

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research and planning, and evaluation stages?

The development within the use of technology from AS level to A2 has been immeasurable. With regards to hardware, the range with which we used the equipment we had at our disposal had increased from simple variations within shot type to a more purposeful use of shot angles, pans, blurs and other such camera techniques. Similarly, the recording of ambient sound which was then layered within final cut was also an improvement as it created a more intense level of verisimilitude, something which is entirely necessary within trailers of the Crime Thriller genre. 

It is not only hardware with which we have improved, however. Within Final Cut itself, shortcuts for the blade and pointer tool increased the speed of editing when taken in conjunction with the magnetic timeline, and then the aesthetics of the trailer was made to look better through a more competent use of effects such as "Colour Match", transitions such as "Fade to colour", and sound layering. This development in software was reflected within Photoshop, whereby the previously non existent knowledge of the programme was improved upon through regular practice throughout the year, from our original making of collages to the final pieces which are our ancillary tasks. There was however some areas with which I had previous experience, those being Adobe AE and Sony Vegas. These were utilised to a great extent within the narrative graphics and the final title, with the effects being made on After Effects various media generators, and then being exported to Sony Vegas whereby a transparent text layer that was made in photoshop was waiting, ready to be edited. This synergy between products was something that wasn't done last year in any shape or form, and as such allowed the final product of this year to become as good as it has.

Moving backwards in time, there has also been a development in digital technology to be found within our research and planning, especially concerning the aforementioned convergence of software, this time with particular reference to blogger. The embedding of SoundCloud, YouTube, Prezi and various images allowed a more comprehensive plan of our trailer and ancillary tasks to be drawn, one which not only makes our blogs looks better, but also allows for easier access to influences and as such a faster production stage.

Examples/Showcases of technologies which have been used can be found below in a presentation from myself and my two partners, and annotated diagrams showing how Photoshop, Sony Vegas and Adobe After Effects CS6 were utilised to produce the products which make up our marketing package. 

Digital Technology analysis:

Ancillary tasks analysis with regards to technology:



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