The question "What have you learned from your audience feedback?" is very open ended, and as such we went about answering it in a multitude of ways. One of these was through an audience screening, photos of which can be found below, in which questionnaires were handed out asking both qualitative and quantitative questions concerning our trailer. By doing so, we were able to produce graphs of audience type and correlate them with feedback on the trailer. This can be done so regarding enjoyment of our trailer in comparison to age, but also with age in comparison to films which they have seen. If any of our main influences are regularly being viewed by our target age range (15-24) then we can be sure that we have chosen the correct target audience, and as such continue marketing to that sub-section.
Examples of the questionnaire the sample were filling out can be found below - followed by statistics referring to the quantitative side of the research.
Audience Survey - audience replies to the question, 'What was your favourite part of the trailer and why?'
1. 'Shots of London and strong, clear narrative'.
2. 'High shots of Gabriel running and sliding down banister; the shorter snapshots of film with music near the end'. (montage)
3. 'The interrogation scene, high intensity'.
4. 'Tense Music, cuts from action to romance'.
5. 'News shot'.
6. 'Gabriel running through London, news flash, vibrant colours'.
7. 'Montage sequence, news flash, city shots'.
8. 'Shots of buildings with clear narrative'.
9. 'shots of the city & colouring of overall trailer - nice clear aesthetic'.
10. 'Good use of colour'.
11. 'Use of London settings e.g London eye and the use of blue colour as it established tone'.
1. 'Shots of London and strong, clear narrative'.
2. 'High shots of Gabriel running and sliding down banister; the shorter snapshots of film with music near the end'. (montage)
3. 'The interrogation scene, high intensity'.
4. 'Tense Music, cuts from action to romance'.
5. 'News shot'.
6. 'Gabriel running through London, news flash, vibrant colours'.
7. 'Montage sequence, news flash, city shots'.
8. 'Shots of buildings with clear narrative'.
9. 'shots of the city & colouring of overall trailer - nice clear aesthetic'.
10. 'Good use of colour'.
11. 'Use of London settings e.g London eye and the use of blue colour as it established tone'.
It was not only through physical interviews that we obtained information, however. Through our education concerning postmodernism we realised that the development of Web 2.0 allowed an entire other audience to be opened up, expanding our marketing to social media in order to get a wider range of feedback. Comments concerning our trailer from Instagram can be seen below, which we useful as we reached out to a wider age range that was not limited to who we could find within schools and families.
From these studies, we learnt a lot which could be applied to both future products and within fine editing of our current products. The social media feedback allowed us to view what people enjoyed the footage in order to categorise our audience, while the individual Vox Pops and interviews allowed more detailed answers to be found concerning various topic areas. This mix of qualitative and quantitative data provides a detailed and useful range of feedback which has hopefully taken our products to the next level, allowing us to remove unnecessary mistakes while simultaneously providing tips for fine tuning our products.
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